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Policies for OICC | Oxford International Career Colleges

We want you to feel confident in your decision to be an OICC | Oxford International Career Colleges student, and that means understanding our guiding principles.

We’re here to help and guide you every step of the way!

General Policies

Privacy & Distribution Policy

Privacy & Distribution Policy 

i. When applicable, Oxford International College – Halifax will collect, use, and disclose information to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada Border Services Agency, and the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education only to the extent that such disclosure is necessary for the operation, implementation, and administration of the program for which the information has been originally collected as required by the Private Career Colleges Act and associated regulations.   

ii. Information obtained from the student may be shared with the work placement provider. In addition, this information may be used internally by OIC Halifax’s registrar to generate our own transcripts and certificates.   

iii. Student files will be disclosed to students who submit written requests for a copy of their student files within three business days after receiving a student’s request. A photocopy fee may be charged for the copy.  

Campus Closure Policy

Campus Closure Policy

  • It is possible that the college may be closed due to inclement weather, instructor illness, situations leading to unsafe environments (city indication of hazards like unsafe drinking water, gas leaks in the area) etc. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.   
  • In the event of a closure, the school will review each situation accordingly. A decision about the school closure will be done so while considering the safety of all staff, students, and instructors.    
  • Students will receive a notification from their instructor. Instructors will then follow up on the next class day with instructions on make-up time as needed or the school may decide to move classes online during the time of the college closure.   


Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

i. Oxford International College supports students, even in the most challenging times. We understand that missed classes can and do occur. It is important that students are aware of their program specific attendance requirements, many which have been mandated by regulatory bodies. Please review the Student Handbook for the respective program to learn more about the attendance requirements.

ii. Failed Attendance

a. Instructors will track the attendance of students. Instructors will inform students at the 10% missed attendance that they are at risk for being put on academic probation. At the 20% mark, the instructor and program director will sit with the student and determine the best “Performance Improvement Plan” to help the student get back on track with their learning objectives.  

  • If the student continues to miss class while on the Performance Improvement plan due to complicated personal issues, the student will be required to retake the course. There may be a tuition deduction up to 50% and is determined on a case-by-case basis. 
  • If the student makes an attempt to attend on a regular basis but has missed assessments (i.e., tests and assignments) they will be permitted one free assessment re-sit fee per course. However, if they continue to miss assignments, the must pay a $100 re-sit fee per assessment type.

b. If the student does not respond to the instructor after the 10% or 20% warnings or has missed 25% or more of the courses the student will: 

  • Be informed that they must retake the course and must pay the full tuition amount of the course.  

Respectful & Fair Treatment of Students Policy

Respectful & Fair Treatment of Students

    Oxford International Career Colleges is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students. 

    Purpose of Policy 

    At OICC Oxford International Career Colleges, the purpose of this policy and practice are to maintain an environment that is free of abuse and harassment and provides access to dispute resolution for students, faculty, and staff. OIEG Career Colleges across Canada are dedicated in promoting a working and learning environment that encourages teamwork and supporting employees and in this commitment. OIEG Career Colleges – Canada operates in accordance with the following acts: 

    • The Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. This Act prohibits discrimination in certain activities including the provision of or access to services and facilities, accommodation, publications, and employment.  
    • The Ontario Human Rights Code. This Code gives everybody equal rights and opportunities without discrimination in areas such as jobs, housing and services. 
      • The British Columbia Human Rights Code. The purpose of this Code is to foster a society in British Columbia in which there are no impediments to full and free participation in the economic, social, political and cultural life of British Columbia. Being treated fairly is
        your right. If you have any complaints, you can contact the Ombudsperson (Office of the Ombudsperson) to investigate complaints from the public about unfair administration.

      To whom the policy applies  

      This policy applies to all people associated with OIEG Career Colleges across Canada and includes staff, students, advisors, mentors and/or any casual/contracted/temporary positions.  

      This policy applied to the non-academic behavior of a student or group of students that takes place: 

      a. On College property 

      b. Off College property, including online or virtual activities, in circumstances where: 

      i. A student’s behavior compromises the rights, safety, or well-being of an individual’s learning, living or work environment. 

      ii. A student participating in a sanctioned College activity, regardless of where the activity takes place. 

      iii. A student represents, claims to represent, or would reasonably be perceived to be representing, the College. 

      iv. In the context or an academic program, including conduct that occurs when a student is participating in: 

      c. Any class activity, including a lecture, tutorial, lab, or classroom discussion both in person and online with an approved OIEG learning and communication platform. 

      d. Any off-campus learning, including without limitation field work and work experience placements. 

      This policy applies to the behavior of staff and students while outside working hours are expected to uphold OIEG Career Colleges’ expectation of professional and ethical practice.  

      The rights and responsibilities of staff and students to contribute to a respectful workplace and safe learning environment. All persons associated with OIEG Career Colleges across Canada are responsible for maintaining the well-being of themselves and others by not engaging in behaviors that may jeopardize a person’s physical or mental state. Everyone has the right to be treated with consideration, fairness, dignity and respect which supports a workplace environment where people feel safe and secure. 

      Prohibited Activities 

      While on any of the OIEG’s Career Colleges in Canada premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by any of the OIEG’s Career Colleges in Canada the following activities are prohibited: 

      Bullying. Refers to offensive, abusive, intimidating, or insulting behaviour which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated and/or vulnerable, which undermines the recipient’s self-confidence and/or reduces their feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. 

      Conflict is not, on its own, bullying; however, conflict may escalate to the point where it becomes bullying. A single incident of unreasonable behaviour or incivility is not, on its own, bullying but is also not acceptable and could be in breach of this policy.  

      Reasonable management actions such as giving fair and reasonable feedback, including academic feedback, is not bullying. 

      Cyberbullying (also known as Electronic Bullying). Also referred to as electronic bullying, is a form of bullying that occurs using technology. This can include the use of a computer or other electronic devices, social networks, text messaging, instant messaging, websites, email, or other electronic means. 

      A person participates in bullying if they directly conduct the behaviour or assists or encourages the behaviour in any way. 

      Discrimination. Behaviour that excludes individuals or treats them unfairly because they are members of specific groups. According to the Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Ontario Human Rights Code, individuals cannot be discriminated against in services and facilities based on their race, color, creed, ethnic, national or aboriginal origin; religion; mental or physical disability; age; sex (including pregnancy); sexual orientation; marital or family status; political affiliation, belief, or activity; irrational fear of contracting an illness or disease; association with protected groups or individuals, political belief, affiliation, or activity; and source of income. 

      Harassment & Sexual Harassment. Behaviour that is unwelcome, offensive, or intimidating. Harassment can be in verbal or written form. Harassment is often a behaviour that offends someone such as unwelcome remarks, jokes, slurs, innuendo or taunting towards an individual relating to any of the above-mentioned areas; distribution or display of derogatory, offensive, racist, or sexist pictures, graffiti, or materials; threatening comments or conduct; and verbal, written, or physical assault. 

      Harassment may consist of a repeated or persistent pattern of behaviours, direct or indirect, that when taken together constitute harassment; or a single act of sufficient severity to constitute harassment.  

      Dismissal Policy

      Dismissal Policy

      OIEG Oxford International Education Group – Career Colleges are committed to offering quality programs and ensuring that our students can successfully complete their program. Policies are in place to ensure that all students are treated fairly and equally. Any student actions that contravene the academic, behavioral, and ethical policies in place may be subject to penalties, up to and including expulsion from any one of the Careers Colleges in Canada.  

      Purpose of Policy 

      To define the purpose and reasons of a student withdraw or expelled within the OIEG Career College.   

      To whom the policy applies:

       All active students in any program at all campuses of the OIEG Career College – Canada  


      In this policy: 

      Withdraw – the process of a student leaving a program either student initiated, or school initiated.  

      Expel – the process of forcing a student to leave the college due the severity of their actions. A student who is expelled from OIEG cannot study at any other program or campus under the OIEG Oxford International Education Group – Careers Colleges.  

      i. Student Withdraw (Program/Practicum) 

      To withdraw from the program, the student must first provide the Primary Instructor with a written letter including the reason for withdrawing. The application fee is non-refundable. Please see the table below for amounts and timelines related to refunds in accordance with the Private Career Colleges Act of Nova Scotia. 

      There are two types of student withdrawals.   

      a. Student Initiated Withdraw 

      The student has a right to withdraw from the program for any academic, personal, or employment reasons. The student will need to complete the Student Withdraw form. Students should review the refund policy for any possible refunds.

      b. School Initiated Withdraw 

      The school has a right to withdraw a student from any program/practicum. Reasons the student will be withdrawn from a program by the school include, but are not limited to:  

      • Student has not met or refuses to obtain the required immunizations or appropriate documentation for not being immunized.   
      • In addition to the (international) police check provided for admissions, the student cannot, did not, or refuses to obtain a Criminal Record Check (CRC) , Vulnerable Sector Search (VSS) and Child Abuse Registry Check.

      ii. Student Expulsion  

        In general, OIC will make attempts to resolve situations without expulsion. A verbal warning, written warning, or suspension may precede the final act of expulsion. Should the safety or well-being of staff, students, or guests be in jeopardy, expulsion may be applied at the college’s discretion without warning. It is the college’s responsibility to ensure that all students are aware of situations or actions in which expulsion may result.   

        The following outlines the conditions in which a student may be expelled from the course with cause:  

        Academic Dishonesty. Students may be subject to expulsion at our discretion for academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is any action performed alone or with others with the purpose of providing an unfair advantage to oneself and/or others including the following:  cheating, plagiarism, unapproved collaboration, alteration of records, lying or misrepresentation.  

        Outstanding Fees. Students who fail to remit outstanding fees may be expelled after written warning has been provided and the student fails to comply within the parameters stated in this warning.  

        Omissions or Errors in Admissions or Documentation. OIC has a responsibility to ensure students have been admitted to the course in accordance with the registration requirements for the course. Students who misrepresent themselves on their applications, whether knowingly or in error, are subject to immediate expulsion.  

        Attendance. Please see each programs specific attendance policy and the results of low or no attendance.  

        Misuse of Property. Students who damage, misuse, steal, or otherwise use the college’s property in a way that is prohibited may be expelled and required to make restitution.  

        Endangerment of Staff, Students, or Guests. Students who endanger the safety of themselves, staff, other students, or guests, either by action or neglect, which contributes to a hostile working or learning environment, may be expelled.   

        Harassment or Discrimination. OIC will not condone harassment or discrimination of any student, staff member, or guest. Students participating in harassing or discriminatory activities will be immediately suspended pending investigation. Expulsion will be mandatory for any student who has been deemed by the investigation to have engaged in harassing or discriminatory activities. This policy is in place to ensure that the rights and responsibilities of staff and students contribute to a respectful workplace and safe learning environment.  

        iii. Student Expulsion Policy – Notification & Refunds 

        • Students who are subject to expulsion for any reason will be notified in writing, which will be either hand delivered or delivered by registered mail.   We are not responsible for non-delivery of this notification if the student has not provided a valid home address where the student currently resides.  
          • The notification will contain a description of the basis for expulsion and the effective date. Students may appeal the decision within three days of the notification following the Student Complaint Policy and must provide sufficient proof to support why the expulsion should be revoked.  
          • Students who file an appeal and are unsuccessful will officially be withdrawn from the program.  
          • A student expelled from the program will be considered withdrawn on the effective date of the expulsion. Any refunds owed under the Refund Policy will be issued to the student.  
          • A student who is expelled is responsible for the return of any property in his or her possession belonging to OIC and will be held financially responsible for any property not returned in good condition within 10 days of the notice of expulsion. However, OIC may not deduct any amount owing from the refund entitled to the student with respect to such property  
          • This contract will end on the date set, on the date that the student has been dismissed in accordance with the Certificate/ Diploma Program Policies and/or Oxford International College’s policies, or once notice is given as required by the college’s refund policy 

          Sexual Misconduct Policy

          Sexual Misconduct Policy 

            Purpose of Policy   

            It is the policy of Oxford International Education Group (the “College”) that all of our students have a right to an environment that is free from sexual remarks or touching by or from college employees, including but not exclusive to college faculty, which would be considered sexual solicitation or sexual advance. Oxford International Careers College is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to sexual misconduct.  

            To whom the policy applies 

            The Policy applies to all employees of the college, as defined by the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”).  This Policy does not apply to consensual sexual or romantic relationships that do not meet the criteria of a Prohibited Relationship set out below. 


            (1) In this section:

            Sexual Misconduct – means in relation to a student at the College. 

            a. Physical sexual relations with the student, touching of a sexual nature of the student or behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature toward the student by an employee of the College where:  

            i. The act constitutes an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada)  

            ii. The act infringes the right of the student under clause 7 (3) (a) of the Human Rights Code to be free from a sexual solicitation or advance, or  

            iii. The act constitutes sexual misconduct as defined in this Policy, or contravenes the Policy or any other policy, rule or other requirement of the College respecting sexual relations between employees and students, or  

            b. Any conduct by an employee of the College that infringes the right of the student under clause 7 (3) (b) of the Human Rights Code to be free from reprisal or threat of reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance.   

            Student – means a person currently enrolled in studies at Oxford International Education Group, whether in a full- time, part-time or continuing education capacity. 


            i. Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behavior including the following:  

            • Sexual assault 
            • Sexual exploitation 
            • Sexual harassment 
            • Stalking 
            • Indecent exposure 
            • Voyeurism 
            • The distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more  

                     persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the   
                     person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the  
                     photograph or vides 

            • The attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct 
            • The treat to commit an act of sexual misconduct 

            Discharge or Discipline.  

            (2) If an employee of a career college commits an act of sexual misconduct toward a student enrolled at a career college, the career college may discharge or discipline the employee for that act, and,  

            a. The discharge or disciplinary measure is deemed to be for just cause for all purposes 

            b. The employee is not entitled to notice of termination or termination pay or any other compensation or restitution as a result of the discharge or disciplinary measures, and 

            c. Despite subsection 48(7) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, and despite any provision of a collective agreement or employment contract specifying a penalty for the infraction, no arbitrator, arbitration board or other adjudicator shall substitute any penalty for the discharge or disciplinary measure imposed by the career college. 2002, c. 22, Sched. 2, s. 1: 2023, c. 9, Sched. 29, s. 4.  

            No re-employment. 

            (3) If an employee of a career college commits an act of sexual misconduct toward a student enrolled at a career college and the career college discharges the employee for that act or the employee resigns from their employment, the career college shall not subsequently re-employ the employee. 2022, c. 22, Sched. 2, s. 1; 2023, c. 9, Sched. 29, s. 4.  


            (4) If a career college determines that it has re-employed an individual contrary to clause 3 or section No re-employment, the college shall discharge the employee, and clauses (2) (a) to (c) (see section Discharge or Discipline) shall apply to the discharge. 2022, c. 22, Sched. 2, s. 1: 2023, c. 9, Sched. 29, s. 4 .


            (5) Subject to section (6) (see section Exception), an agreement between a career college and any person, including a collective agreement or an agreement settling, existing or contemplated litigation, that is entered into on or after the day section 1 of Schedule 2 to the Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Student Act, 2022 comes into force, shall not contain any term that, directly or indirectly, prohibits the career college or any person related to the career college from disclosing that an allegation or complaint has been made that an employee of the career college committed an act of sexual misconduct toward a student of the career college, and any such term that is included in an agreement is void. 2022, c. 22, Sched. 2, s. 1; 2023, c. 9, Sched. 29, s. 4.  


            (6) A career college may enter into an agreement that contains a term described in subsection (5) (see section Agreement) if the student requests that the career college do so, provided that,  

            a. The student has had a reasonable opportunity to receive independent legal advice;  

            b. There have been no undue attempts to influence the student with respect to the request;  

            c. The agreement includes an opportunity for the student to decide to waive their own confidentiality int he future and the process for doing so; and  

            d. The agreement is of a set and limited duration. 2022, c. 22, Sched. 2, s. 1  

            Contrary term, rule, etc.  

            (7) Subsections (2) (see section Discharge or Discipline) to (6) (see section Exception) apply despite any contrary term in an employment contract or collective agreement, or any contrary rule or principle of common law or equity. 2022, c. 22, Sched. 2, s. 1.  


            i. Confidentiality 

            All information related to a complaint or report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:  

            • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm  
            • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another  
            • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided  
            • Where reporting is required by law  
            • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a Complaint or Report 

            ii. A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A Complaint is when the victim/survivor discloses or chooses to tell someone at the institution of an incident of sexual misconduct in order to seek support but may not want to make a formal report to police or the institution. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action. A Report does not have to be made by the victim/survivor.   

            iii. A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodate, and will not be required or pressure to make a Report. 

             iv. Process for making a Complaint 

            The process for making complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:  

            a. Initial Reporting 

            Primary Contact: The complaint should be directed to the College Director or individual in an acting role, where the student is studying.   

            Location  College Director  Contact Information 
            Halifax   Katie Christie  



            Toronto   Kelly Rooney  



            Vancouver   *See Alternate Contact*    

            Alternate Contact:  In cases where the College director is unavailable or the complaint involves the College Director, you should contact the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance.   

            Contact Information:  Jessica Downie (  

            b. Filing the Complaint 

            Written Complaint: Submit a detailed written complaint describing the incident(s), including the names of individuals involved, dates, and any other relevant information. Send this per email to the primary contact or the alternate contact if the primary contact is not available or is part of the complaint.   

             c. Acknowledgement of Complaint 

            The Primary/Alternate contact will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 3 business days.   

            d. Meeting with Complainant 

            The Primary/Alternate contact will contact the complainant to set up a meeting and discuss the complaint. During this meeting, the Primary/Alternate contact will inform the individual of the available support to them.  

            v. Process for making a Report 

            The process for making a report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows: 

            a. Written Request of Formal Report (incl. Description of incident): the victim/survivor will provide in writing, to the Primary/Alternate contact a description of the incident and any individuals involved and inform that they would like to file a formal report of the incident.   

            Primary Contact: The complaint should be directed to the College Director or   individual in an acting role, where the student is studying.   

            Location  College Director  Contact Information 
            Halifax   Katie Christie  



            Toronto   Kelly Rooney  



            Vancouver   *See Alternate Contact*    

            Alternate Contact:  In cases where the College director is unavailable or the complaint  

            involves the College Director, you should contact the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance.   

            Contact Information:  Jessica Downie (  

            b. Acknowledgement of Receiving Formal Report Request  

            Once the formal report request is received, the Primary / Alternate Contact (whomever the complaint was submitted to) will acknowledge receipt within 3 business days.   Within this initial email acknowledgement, the Primary / Alternate contact will inform the individual that:  

            • The complaint has been received  
              • The next steps include an investigation that will take place within 7 – 14 business days of receiving the written complaint. The investigation will include an initial meeting with the complainant, an investigation (including, but not limited to meetings with any individual(s) mentioned in the complaint), collection of documentation/evidence.   
              • Inform the individual of their rights throughout the process.  

              c. Initial Meeting 

                Meeting with the Victim/Survivor: The Primary/Alternate contact meets with the victim/survivor to gather detailed information about the alleged misconduct and explains the investigation process, including available support resources and interim measures if needed.   

                d. Investigation  

                The Primary/Alternate Contact will:  

                • Fact-Finding: conduct interview with the victim/survivor, respondent (the accused), and any witnesses. They will collect and review relevant evidence, such as documents and emails.   
                • Documentation: All information gathered during the investigation is documented thoroughly. This includes interview/meeting notes, statements made by involved parties, and any evidence collected. 

                e. Interim Measures 

                  Support and Safety Measures: The institution may implement interim measures to ensure the safety and well/being of the complainant and other involved parties. These could include changes in class schedules, educational accommodations, move to online learning.   

                  f. Investigation Report 

                  After completing the investigation, the Primary/Alternate contact will prepare a detailed report summarizing the findings, evidence and conclusions. The Primary/Alternate may share this report with the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance for feedback before a final determination is made. If the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance acts as the Primary Contact, they will discuss with the VP Operations.   

                  g. Resolution 

                  Upon completion of the investigation, a determination will be made regarding the complaint. It will be decided whether the alleged misconduct occurred and, if so, what sanctions are appropriate based on the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

                  h. Notification 

                  Outcome Communication: Both the complainant and the respondent are informed of the outcomes. This notification includes information on the reasoning behind the decision. This notification will take place both in a meeting and providing the individuals with the written notification of the results.  

                  i. Acknowledgement of Receiving  

                  Once the complaint is received, the Primary / Alternate Contact (whomever the complaint was submitted to) will acknowledge receipt within 3 business days.  Within this initial email acknowledgement, the Primary / Alternate contact will inform the individual that:  

                  • The complaint has been received  
                    • The next steps include an investigation that will take place within 7 – 14 business days of receiving the written complaint. The investigation will include an initial meeting with the complainant, an investigation (including, but not limited to meetings with any individual(s) mentioned in the complaint), collection of documentation/evidence.   
                    • Inform the individual of their rights throughout the process  

                    j. Initial Meeting 

                      Meeting with the Victim/Survivor: The Primary/Alternate contact meets with the victim/survivor to gather detailed information about the alleged misconduct and explains the investigation process, including available support resources and interim measures if needed.   

                       k. Investigation  

                      The Primary/Alternate Contact will:  

                      • Fact-Finding: conduct interview with the complainant, respondent (the accused), and any witnesses. They will collect and review relevant evidence, such as documents and emails.   
                      • Documentation: All information gathered during the investigation is documented thoroughly. This includes interview/meeting notes, statements made by involved parties, and any evidence collected.  

                      l. Interim Measures 

                      Support and Safety Measures: The institution may implement interim measures to ensure the safety and well/being of the complainant and other involved parties. These could include changes in class schedules, educational accommodations, move to online learning.   

                      m. Investigation Report 

                      After completing the investigation, the Primary/Alternate contact will prepare a detailed report summarizing the findings, evidence and conclusions. The Primary/Alternate may share this report with the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance for feedback before a final determination is made. If the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance acts as the Primary Contact, they will discuss with the VP Operations.   

                      n. Resolution 

                      • Upon completion of the investigation, a determination will be made regarding the complaint. It will be decided whether the alleged misconduct occurred and, if so, what sanctions are appropriate based on the Sexual Misconduct Policy   

                      o. Notification 

                      • Outcome Communication: Both the complainant and the respondent are informed of the outcomes. This notification includes information on the reasoning behind the decision. This notification will take place both in a meeting and providing the individuals with the written notification of the results.  

                      vi. In all instances the institution will:  

                        • Ensure the safety of the victim/survivor  
                        • As appropriate, provide emergency numbers for on and off campus security (if applicable), law enforcement, medical assistance, mental health services, and other services.   
                        • Respect the right of the individual to choose the services they consider most appropriate.  

                        vii.It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisal or threaten to retaliate in relation to a complaint or a report.   

                         viii. Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.  

                        Student Educational Accommodation Policy

                        Student Educational Accommodation Policy 

                        The Oxford International Education Group’s Career Colleges across Canada are committed to ensuring that its learners have equal opportunities to education, including accessible learning and accommodations to support their learning journey.  

                        Purpose of Policy

                        The purpose of this policy and practices for all OIEG Career Colleges across Canada are to create and maintain an environment and learning experience that is inclusive to the diverse needs of students and to aid in the learning of those with disabilities. It is through the continuous dialogue and collaboration with members of the OIEG Career College community can we better understand the nature and extent of our campus barriers to accessibility. As such, the members of the OIEG Careers Colleges are responsible to be knowledgeable on the institutional policies related to prohibited grounds for discriminatory practices and accessibility. This policy follows the principles and legislation of accommodation to achieve accessibility across Canada:  

                        Nova Scotia: preventing and removing barriers, provide for the involvement of persons with disabilities.  

                        Ontario: preventing and removing barriers that impede students with disabilities from participating fully in the educational environment in a way that is responsive to their own unique circumstances. The principles of accommodation involves three factors:   

                        • dignity – accommodations should be considered along a continuum from those that most respect a student’s right to privacy, autonomy and dignity, to those that least respect them. Educators have a duty to maintain a positive school environment for all persons they serve.   
                        • individualization – there is no set formula for accommodation. Each student’s needs are unique and must be considered afresh when an accommodation request is made. Education providers must also ensure that testing and evaluation materials and procedures used to grade and place students with disabilities are not selected or implemented in a manner that is racially or culturally biased.  
                        • inclusion – as education providers, we must first make effort to build or adapt educational services to accommodate students with disabilities in a way that promotes their inclusion and full participation. Preventing and removing barriers means all students should be able to access their environment and face the same duties and requirements with dignity and without impediment.  

                        British Columbia: removing barriers and increasing inclusion and independence for everyone, so all people can take part in their communities through work, play and other daily activities.   

                        To whom the policy applies. 

                        Students experiencing barriers to participation in a college activity due to a characteristic protected under human rights legislation are entitled to accommodation to reduce or eliminate such barriers up to the point of undue hardship, as set out in this policy. 


                        In this policy:  

                        • Accessibility: the means of conducting a learning experience through teaching styles that meet the needs of people from a variety of backgrounds, abilities and learning styles.   
                        • Accommodation (also known as Educational Accommodation): the means of preventing and removing barriers that may impede students with disabilities from participating fully in the learning environment.  
                        • Barrier: anything that hinders or challenges the full and effective participation in society of persons with disabilities including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communication barrier, and attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy or a practice.   
                        • Student: an individual registered in a course within any of the Oxford International Colleges across Canada. A student is considered a student whether they are studying full-time, part-time, or online. 


                        i. All members of the OIC community share in the responsibility for compliance with this policy.   

                        ii. Students are encouraged to see accommodation where they believe that they are experiencing a barrier to participation in a college activity, due to a characteristic protected under human rights legislation, which may be reduced or eliminated through accommodation.   

                        iii. Reasonable disability related accommodations may be considered and implemented for temporary or permanent disabilities. Any accommodations granted to a student cannot compromise the integrity of the program learning outcomes nor place undue hardship on the education provider. Some accommodations are only available if additional funding and HR support can be secured and implemented.   

                        iv. Accommodations assistance may include, but are not limited to:  

                        a. Assessment, advising and planning for reasonable accommodations  

                        b. Assistance in accessing/ completing applications for government grants for disability/related services or equivalent  

                        c. Test/Exam writing accommodations 

                        d. Access to technology for learning (e.g., computers)  

                        e. Peer note takers & note taking supports  

                        f. Access to/ referral for assistive technology resources/supports  

                        g. Access to alternate format textbooks  

                        h.Other classroom accommodations  


                        i. To be considered for accommodation, students must self-identify and have completed the OIC admission process and submit a request for accommodation. If a student submits a request for accommodation, the student must submit any medical and/or other relevant documentation, related to the disability.  

                        ii. OICs reserve the right to limit the extent and type of accommodation offered, based on available resources.  

                        iii. OICs will take reasonable efforts, short of undue hardship, to eliminate or reduce disability related barriers in the learning environment. Where applicable, OIC will also assist the student in applying for Certification Exam Accommodations, including the recruitment and coordination of proctor services (see program specific Program Proctor Registration forms), during the sitting of the respective provincial certification exam. 


                        i. Student declares need for disability supports or service accommodations during the admissions process or on orientation day as per the Student Handbook – Specialized Supports and Accommodations. 

                        ii. If submitting an application for accommodation during orientation:  

                        a. Student submits request for disability related accommodations and relevant support documentation to their respective primary instructor and program coordinator.   

                        iii. If submitting an application for accommodation during the admissions phase:  

                        a. Students are to inform the admission coordinator the request of accommodation.  

                        b. The admission coordinator will provide the student with the necessary forms to complete.   

                        c. Student submits request for disability related accommodations and relevant support documentation to their admission coordinator in the location they will be studying.    

                        iv. Once the student request for accommodation has been received, the Primary Instructor, Program Manager, Academic Director, and School Director will arrange and conduct assessment or planning meetings as required.   

                        a. The request will be reviewed and based on evaluation, a letter will be issued to the student outlining the type of accommodations approved and any related conditions/limitations and recommendations.  

                        b. All instructors will be made aware on a class-by-class basis of any students approved for accommodation.  


                        Work Experience Policy

                        Work Experience

                        To whom the policy applies 

                        To all students, whether domestic or international, who are enrolled in a program with work experience requirements.  


                        Work Experience refers to any form of work experience (co-op work placement, co-op, practicum work placement, practicum) mentioned in this document. This is a requirement within the study program, so long as the student has registered for a program with a “co-op” or “practicum” placement.   

                        Co-op Work Placement: Co-op work placement is an integral component of all co-op programs that is provided by a host organization in which a student obtains practical skills relevant to the learning objectives of the program. Co-op placements may be paid or unpaid. 


                        i. All members of the OIC community share in the responsibility for compliance with this policy.   

                        ii. The work experience is a required part of the following programs: HM, BM and both CCM programs, in which the student obtains practical skills relevant to the learning objectives of the program. Students who enroll in a program that includes a work experience component are required to engage in job duties that are relevant to the learning objectives of the program. The duration of work experience and requirements may differ depending on the varying provincial requirements. 

                        iii. Students who enroll in the program with a work experience and successfully complete the coursework and any other reasonable requirements for participation in the work experience must be provided with a placement. Students may be encouraged to seek their own placement, e.g., by including job search skills and exercises in the program curriculum, but it is still the institution’s responsibility to ensure there is a placement for every student in the program by the end of the program.   

                        iv. Work experience placements are in Canadian workplaces and withing the Geographic area indicated in the student enrolment contract. 

                        v. The length of the work experience component varier according to the program of study. Number of hours for work experience:   

                        • Co-op Work Placement: The length of placement shall not be more than 50% of the total length of the program that the student is enrolled in. Specific lengths for each program can be found in the respective student handbook. 

                        Work Experience Procedures 

                        i. The student must hold a valid study permit and co-op work permit that adequately covers the entire duration of the study and work portion of the program.  

                        • International Students Responsibilities: International students are responsible for obtaining the correct visa for their co-op placement.
                        • The College Responsibilities: Ensuring the international has the correct academic documentation (i.e., specific indication of co-op studies in LOA) at the time of admissions for students to obtain the correct visa prior to arrival at the college. 

                         ii. The student must have successfully completed all required coursework before being considered for Work Experience. Exceptions to this may be considered under extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the School Director or the individual(s) acting in such a role. Additionally, if the student is on an authorized leave, they cannot begin co-op until they return. 

                        iii. Co-op Orientation: The OIC will conduct an Orientation session for Co-op student within the first week from the start date of their co-op. At this Orientation, students will be briefed on the objectives of the Work Experience, expectations for performance, reporting procedures and administrative forms to be completed such as the Letter of Agreement, Monthly Monitoring / Attendance Reports, and Post-Placement Company Evaluation. This orientation will assist students in preparing well for the Work Experience at a later stage.  

                        iv. One-on-one meetings with Program Lead / Co-op Advisor: Each student will meet with either the program lead or co-op advisor who will guide the student from the start to the end of the Work Experience term. Students will be invited to meet their respective program lead/advisor to discuss their interest and suitability for Work Experience options. Students will also receive additional coaching and support on how to conduct job search, prepare resumes & cover letters and practice job interviews.  

                        Procedures of Workplace Matching 

                        i. At least one month before the co-op start date, students will be emailed to discuss the placement their program lead / co-op advisor. Prior to this meeting, students must provide an updated resume to the program lead/ co-op advisor. 

                        ii. The program lead / co-op advisor will liaise with relevant host organizations (employers in various industries) to seek a placement. Once a suitable host has been identified, an interview with the employer and the student will be arranged.   

                        iii. The co-op host (employer) reserves the right to accept or decline a student for placement with the company. Students are strongly advised to be prepared for the interview with the host employer and, if necessary, may contact their program lead / co-op advisor for guidance and support with interview techniques.  

                        a. In the event the student is unsuccessful at the initial interview process, the co-op placement coordinator will arrange an additional interview no later than 2 weeks after the failed interview. 

                        iv. As soon as the student is accepted for placement, the student must discuss the work schedule directly with the employer and confirm the co-op start date.  

                        v. At this point, the Letter of Agreement form will be jointly completed and signed by the student and the employer. The completed Letter of Agreement form must be returned to the program lead/co-op advisor to be counter-signed at the earliest opportunity upon starting the placement. A copy of the letter will be emailed to the student and host employer and filed in the student’s folder.  

                        Process of Evaluation During Work Experience 

                        i. Monitoring of student progress and performance / report 

                        a. During the Work Experience, the student must submit a monthly report through the link provided within the Learning Management System (Moodle) once every 4 weeks. The report will be reviewed by the program lead/ co-op advisor.  

                        b. Site Visits: The program lead / co-op advisor may conduct a site visit to meet with employers and student to check on progress as required.  

                        c. OIEG Oxford International Education Group will monitor the student during the work experience by reviewing:  

                        • each week whether the student is attending the work experience; and,   
                        • each month whether the student is meeting the learning objectives of the respective program  

                        End of Work Experience 

                        i. End of Work Experience Final Evaluation by Employer: The host employer will report on the work experience at the end of the Work Experience term. The employer will provide a final evaluation on the overall performance of the student by completing the Post-Placement Company Evaluation Form. The program lead / co-op advisor will meet with the student to discuss the evaluation report if there are any issues.  

                        ii. Successful graduation of Co-op Programs of study: If there are no concerns or issues arising out of these reports, the program lead / co-op advisor will update the student records accordingly and inform the student services of the student’s co-op work experience completion.  


                        Payment Policy

                        Payment Policy 

                        i. OICC | Oxford International Career Colleges offer two types of payment plans, depending on the student.

                        Payment Plan for Dometic Students

                        6 Installments
                        (25% – 15% – 15% – 15% – 15% – 15%) 
                        Payment  Amount  Due By 
                        Installment 1  25% Before program start
                        Installment 2  15% 15% of program completion 
                        Installment 3  15% 

                        30% of program completion 

                        Installment 4 15%

                        45% of program completion

                        Installment 5 15%

                        60% of program completion

                        Installment 6 15%

                        75% of program completion

                        Note: Students who have not paid the full 25% tuition before their program start date are not permitted to attend class.  

                        Payment Plan for International Students

                        5 Installments  

                        (50% – 12.5% – 12.5% – 12.5% – 12.5%) 

                        Payment  Amount  Due By 
                        Installment 1  50%  Before program start 
                        Installment 2  12.5%  10% of program completion 
                        Installment 3  12.5%  25% of program completion 
                        Installment 4  12.5%  40% of program completion 
                        Installment 5  12.5%  50% of program completion 

                        Note: Students who have not paid the full 50% tuition before their program start date are not permitted to attend class.  

                        Specific course weeks of when the tuition is due will be provided to students in the Payment Agreement Document. This document will be sent to the student to review, sign and return by the Pre-Arrival Admissions team from each location.  


                        ii. Communication with Students

                        Email 1: Payment Reminder Email 

                        Students will be informed that their installment amount is due within 10 days. They will also be informed of the consequences if the student has not paid. Consequences outlined include: 

                        • Late Payment Fee: A fee of $100 will be added to your student account 
                        • Academic Probation: You will be placed on academic probation, which will impact your attendance and course completion. You will also be responsible for any additional fees incurred, such as re-sit fees for assessments you may have missed while on probation  
                        • Account Hold: Your account will be placed on hold, preventing you from progressing to the next course. You are allowed to miss a maximum of one course due to non-payment. You cannot rejoin the program until your accounts are up to date.  
                        • Work Experience: If you are enrolled in a program with work experience components (e.g., co-op, placement, etc.), you will be prevented from participating until the tuition is paid in full. 

                         Email 2: Late Payment Email 

                         Students will be contacted if their installment payment has not been received. As a result, a $100 late payment fee will be added to their account. The following information will be communicated: 

                         Payment is required within 3 days of receipt of this email. 

                        Consequences of not complying to pay the tuition installment amount include: 

                        • Academic Probation: You will be placed on academic probation, which will impact your academic standing. If you are to start your work experience component (i.e., co-op, placement, etc.), you will not be permitted to attend until you have paid the remaining tuition.  
                        • Account Hold: A hold will be placed on your account, preventing you from continuing with your program until the full payment is received.  

                        Email 3: Academic Probation & Immediate Action Required

                        If a student still has not paid after the Late Payment Email, a final email will be sent to the students that due to an outstanding amount, they have been placed on academic probation and there is a hold on their account. It will outline:  

                        • Participation Restrictions: You are still currently not permitted to participate in any course activities, including assessments and tests.  
                        • Assessment Re-Sit Fee: To make up for time lost during this period, you will be required to pay an additional “Assessment Re-Sit Fee” of $100 per course in which you missed an assessment to re-take any missed assessments or tests.  
                        • Course Progression: You will not be able to proceed to any subsequent courses or engage in any work experience components (e.g., co-op, placement, etc.) until your account is fully paid.  


                        iii. Consequences to late or non-payments 

                        The following consequences will occur if students have a late payment or have not paid: 

                        • Late Payment Fee added to the account – $100 
                        • Account hold – student is not permitted to register for any classes or work experience (e.g., co-op or placements) 
                        • Academic Probation – student is placed into academic probation prohibiting them from fully participating in the course 
                        • Re-sit Assessment Fee – for each missed course and its assessments, students will be required to pay a “Re-Sit Assessment Fee” of $100 per course.  

                        International Student Transfer Policy

                        International Student Transfer Policy

                        1. Purpose of Policy 

                        1.1 The purpose of this policy is to establish clear and consistent procedures for the enrollment of international students transferring from another institution. It aims to ensure that the Accepting Institution complies with regulatory requirements governing international student transfers, safeguarding both the student’s academic journey and the institution’s integrity. The policy outlines the necessary steps, documentation, and conditions that must be met before a transfer can occur ensuring that: 

                          a. Compliance with Regulatory Standards: The policy ensures that the Accepting Institution adheres to immigration and academic regulations governing the transfer of international students, particularly with respect to the completion of academic sessions and the verification of transfer eligibility.  

                          b. Transparency and Accountability: By requiring the collection and verification of official documents from both the Releasing Institution and the transferring student, the policy promotes transparency in the transfer process, allowing both institutions (Accepting and Releasing) to confirm that the student is in good academic standing and legally eligible to transfer. 

                          c. Protection of Academic Standards: The policy prevents premature transfers, ensuring that students transfer only after completing a sufficient portion of their academic program, thereby protecting the academic integrity of both the sending and receiving institutions.

                          d. Ensuring the Student’s Best Interests: By clearly defining the criteria and documentation required for a successful transfer, the policy helps ensure that the students transfer smoothly without disruption to their academic progress, while maintaining the legitimacy of their enrollment status.  


                          2. To whom the policy applies 

                          2.1     This policy applies to all international students seeking to transfer to or from the Accepting Institution. It is designed for the following groups of students: 

                           Incoming Transfer Students: International students transferring to the Accepting Institution from another institution 

                           Outgoing Transfer Students: International students transferring from the Accepting Institution to another institution.  

                           The policy ensures that both incoming and outgoing international students meet the necessary academic and regulatory requirements for transfer, and that both the Accepting Institution and the Releasing Institution follow the required procedures for documenting and confirming the student’s eligibility for transfer 


                          3. Definitions 

                          Releasing Institution: The institution from which an international student is transferring. The Releasing Institution is responsible for confirming the student’s enrollment status, attendance, and whether the student is in good academic standing, as well as providing the necessary documentation for the transfer process. The institution may also be the one that has ceased to maintain an EQA designation, prompting the transfer.  

                          Accepting Institution: The institution that will accept and enroll an international student who is transferring from another institution The Accepting Institution is responsible for ensuring that all transfer requirements, including verification of student eligibility and the completion of necessary forms, are met before the student is officially enrolled.  

                          Incoming Student: An international student who is transferring to the Accepting Institution from another institution. The term applies to international students seeking to continue their studies at a new institution, having met the necessary eligibility criteria for transfer. 

                          Outgoing Student: An international student who is transferring from the Releasing Institution to another institution. The term refers to international students seeking to leave the Releasing Institution in order to pursue their studies at a different institution.  

                          4. Policy

                          4.1 Eligibility for Transfer 

                          An international student seeking to transfer from another institution to the Accepting Institution must have completed a minimum of 25% of a career college program at their current institution (the Releasing Institution). A student may also transfer if the Releasing institution ceases to maintain EQA (Education Quality Assurance) designation. 

                          An international student can only transfer once they have provided the required documentation and completed the required process (see Procedures).  

                          For complete eligibility, the following must be completed prior to the transfer: 

                          1. Verification from Accepting Institution: The Accepting Institution must verify that:

                          a. The Releasing Institution is aware that the international student is seeking a transfer.  

                          b. The Releasing Institution has directly confirmed that the international student is enrolled, attending, and not on academic suspension.  

                          2. DLI Student Transfer Confirmation: The transfer student must have completed the Designated Learning Institution (DLI) Student Transfer process online (Changing your school or program – The Accepting Institution must verify that the transferring student has completed the DLI Transfer process online and is now enrolled under the Accepting Institution’s DLI.  

                            4.2 Required Documentation for Transfer 

                            Before the Accepting Institution can proceed with enrolling the student into their program, the following documents must be obtained, verified and store in the student’s file: 

                             a. Official Letter from the Releasing Institution 

                            • The letter must confirm that the Releasing Institution: 
                            • No longer maintains the EQA designation, or 
                            • Is aware of the student’s intent to transfer and confirms that the student has been accepted, enrolled, and is not on academic suspension at the Releasing Institution 

                             Important: the letter should contain detailed information about the student, including enrollment status and any other relevant academic records. 

                             b. Confirmation of Transfer 

                            • The Accepting Institution must verify that the student has completed the DLI Student Transfer process online (Changing your school or program –, which confirms the student’s enrollment in the Accepting Institution.  


                            5. Procedures 

                            The following procedures outline the steps required for the transfer of international students between institutions. These procedures apply to both Incoming Transfer Students (those transferring to the Accepting Institution) and Outgoing Transfer Students (those transferring from the Accepting Institution). These steps must be followed to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and the integrity of the transfer process.  

                            1. Initial Application & Transfer Request 

                            • Incoming Students  
                            • International students wishing to transfer to the Accepting Institution must first submit a formal application for admission to the program they wish to enroll in.  
                            • The student must indicate their intention to transfer from another institution in their application.  

                            Outgoing Students  

                            • International students wishing to transfer out of the Releasing Institution must submit a formal request to the institution, providing details of their intended destination institution and the program they plan to transfer into.  

                            2. Verification of Transfer Eligibility 

                            • Incoming Transfer Students 
                            • The Accepting Institution must verify that the student meets one of the following eligibilities for transfer: 
                            • The student has completed at least one session (quarter/semester/term) of their initial academic program, or a minimum of 25% of a career college program at the Releasing Institution 
                            • If the student has not met this requirement, the Accepting Institution must ensure that one of the following exceptions apply: 
                            • The Releasing Institution no longer maintains its EQA designation.  
                            • Confirm with the Releasing Institution that they are aware of the student’s transfer request and has directly confirmed that the student is enrolled, attending, and not on academic suspension.  
                            • Confirm the completion of the DLI Student Transfer Process 

                            Outgoing Transfer Students 

                            • The Releasing Institution must confirm the student’s eligibility to transfer by reviewing their current program completion (minimum of 25% of a career college program), review their academic standing and ensure there are no pending academic suspensions or disciplinary issues.  
                            • The Releasing Institution must provide the student with necessary forms or documentation required by the Accepting Institution for a smooth transfer process.  

                             3. Documentation Collection 

                            • Incoming Transfer Students 
                            • The Accepting Institution must ensure the following documentation has been obtained by the student and submitted to the institution: 
                            • Official Letter from Releasing Institution. Must include: 
                            • The Releasing Institution no longer holds the EQA designation, or 
                            • The Releasing Institution is aware of the student’s transfer and confirms that the student has been accepted, enrolled, and is not on academic suspension.  
                            • Designated Learning Institution (DLI) Student Transfer Confirmation 
                            • Outgoing Transfer Students 
                            • The Releasing Institution must provide: 
                            • A Transfer Verification Letter to the student that outlines the necessary steps for transferring and provides official confirmation that they are in good academic standing.  
                            • Assistance with completing any required forms, including the DLI Student Transfer process if applicable.  

                             4. Review of Documents 

                            • Incoming Transfer Students 
                            • Upon receiving all required documents, the Accepting Institution will: 
                            • Review the Official letter from the Realising Institution for accuracy and completeness 
                            • Confirm the completion of the DLI Student Transfer Confirmation process online 
                            • Verify that the student has met the necessary academic requirements for transfer 
                            • Outgoing Transfer Students 
                            • The Releasing Institution will: 
                            • Ensure that all necessary transfer documentation has been provided to the student.  
                            • Verify that the student’s transfer request has been properly processed and that they have met all necessary conditions for transferring.  

                             5. Enrollment Decision 

                            • Incoming Transfer Students 
                            • Once all required documentation has been verified and accepted, the Accepting Institution may proceed with enrolling the student into their chosen program 
                            • The student will be informed of their official acceptance and enrollment status 
                            • Outgoing Transfer Students 
                            • After confirming that the student is in good academic standing and all necessary forms have been completed, the Releasing Institution will approve the student’s transfer request 
                            • The student will be provided with a formal transfer approval letter, which they will submit to their new institution.  

                             6. Recording Keeping and Documentation 

                            • Incoming Transfer Students 
                            • The Accepting Institution must ensure that all documentation related to the incoming student’s transfer is kept in the student’s file. This includes: 
                            • The Official Letter from the Releasing Institution 
                            • Including any transcripts and information regarding the student’s previous academic experience 
                            • Confirmation of completion of the DLI Student Transfer 
                            • Any related transfer documentation or correspondence 
                            • Outgoing Transfer Students 
                            • The Releasing Institution will maintain documents of the letters sent to the Accepting Institution 
                            • Any DLI Student Transfer documentation 
                            • Any related transfer documentation or correspondence 

                            Note: The Releasing Institution will keep all previous student data for the required regulated time. 

                             7. Final Enrolment / Transfer Completion 

                            • Incoming Transfer Students 
                            • The student will officially be enrolled in their program once all documentation has been reviewed and teh transfer eligibility is confirmed. The Accepting Institution will provide the student with the necessary enrollment information, including course registration details.  
                            • Outgoing Transfer Students 
                            • Once the student’s transfer process is complete, the Releasing Institution will finalize the transfer and send the appropriate documentation to the Releasing Institution to confirm the student’s transfer out of the program. The student will be informed of their successful transfer and will receive guidance on their next steps at their new institution.  


                            Critical Incident & Crisis Management Policy

                            Critical Incident & Crisis Management Policy

                            1. Purpose of Policy 

                            1.1 The purpose of this policy is to establish a clear and structured approach for responding to critical incidents and crises at Oxford International Career Colleges across Canada. The college is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors and ensuring that the institution is prepared to respond effectively and efficiently to any unexpected or disruptive events that may affect its operations, reputation, or community.  

                               2. To whom the policy applies 

                              2.1   This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and other individuals on college premises or engaged in college-related activities, both on and off campus.  

                               3. Definitions 

                              Critical Incident: An event or series of events that disrupt normal college operations and have the potential to affect the safety, security, or well-being of individuals or the college community. These may include, but are not limited to, accidents, natural disasters, campus violence, terrorism, medical emergencies, or health pandemics.  

                              Crisis: A severe or high-impact situation that requires immediate and coordinated action to safeguard life, property, and the reputation of the college. A crisis may stem from a critical incident but often involves broader implications for college operations, public perception, and long-term recovery.  


                              4. Policy 

                              4.1 Crisis Management Team (CMT) 

                              The Crisis Management Team (CMT) will be responsible for overseeing the management of critical incidents and crises. The team will act as the decision-making body and will be activated in the event of a crisis.  


                              Team Members: 

                              • CMT Leader (Nationally): Sr. VP, Canada 
                              • VP Operations 
                              • VP Client Services  
                              • External Communications Officer (Nationally): Director of Marketing 
                              • Emergency & Crisis Operations Coordinator (Vancouver): School Director** 
                              • Emergency & Crisis Operations Coordinator (Halifax): School Director 
                              • Emergency & Crisis Operations Coordinator (Toronto): School Director 
                              • Backup Campus Coordinator (Halifax): Director of Studies 
                              • Backup Campus Coordinator (Toronto): Director of Studies 
                              • Backup Campus Coordinator (Vancouver): Program Manager  
                              • Health and Safety Officer (Nationally): Appointed from Health & Committee  
                              • Legal Advisor: President, North America 
                              • Human Resources Officer (Nationally): Director of HR 
                              • Advisor: Senior Advisor 
                              • Compliance: Director Curriculum, Quality & Compliance 



                              • Activation of the crisis response plan 
                              • Coordination of resources and personnel during a crisis 
                              • Timely and accurate communication on all stakeholders 
                              • Documentation of the incident and response 
                              • Post-crisis evaluation and debriefing  
                              • CMT Meetings – Meetings will commence every two months involving the entire CMT | Meetings will commence every two months for Campus specific Critical Incident and Crisis Management team members 


                              4.2 Incident Classification and Response Levels 

                              Incidents will be categorized based on severity and impact, and the response will vary accordingly.  

                              Level 1 – Minor Incident 

                              • Definition Level: Impact is limited to a specific area of the campus, with no immediate threat to life or major disruption to college Activities.  
                              • Example: A small fire in a classroom or a student medical emergency.  
                              • Response: Incident handled by campus safety, facilities, or designated team members. 
                              • Communication: Notification to relevant departments or individuals.  


                              Level 2 – Moderate Incident 

                              • Definition Level: A significant disruption that may affect multiple areas of the campus or community. There may be a risk to health, safety, or property.  
                              • Example: A weather-related closure or local civil disturbance. 
                              • Response: CMT activation to manage the situation. Coordination with local authorities as necessary. 
                              • Communication: Notification to student body, college personnel and, if necessary, local authority. 


                              Level 3 – Major Crisis  

                              • Definition Level: A large-scale event with a severe impact on campus life, the safety or individuals, or the college’s operational capacity. 
                              • Example: Campus shooting, large-scale natural disaster, or a health epidemic.  
                              • Response: Full activation of Crisis management Plan with all CMT members working together to manage the crisis, communicate with the community and coordinate resources.  
                              • Communication: Notification to student body, college personnel, and with local authorities.  


                              5. Incident Management Procedures 

                              • Notification and Activation: 
                              • Immediate reporting of the incident to the campus safety or emergency response team.  
                              • CMT Leader evaluates the severity of the situation and activates the Crisis Management Team if necessary. 
                              • Designated personnel will contact first responders (police, fire department, medical services) as needed.  
                              • Assessment and Situation Analysis: 
                              • The CMT Leader gathers information on the nature, scope and potential impact of the incident.  
                              • Conduct a risk assessment and determine the necessary response protocols (evacuation, lockdowns, shelter-in-place, etc.) 
                              • Response and Mitigation: 
                              • The CMT team will implement the appropriate measures to safeguard lives, secure the campus and minimize further disruption. 
                              • Ensure that faculty, staff, and students are informed of the situation and any necessary actions to be taken. 
                              • Communicate with external emergency services and law enforcement, if applicable.   
                              • Communication: 
                              • Clear and timely communication is critical during a crisis. 
                              • The Communications Officer will manager internal and external communication, including press releases, social media updates, and direct notifications to the college community (via email, SMS, websites, etc.).  
                              • Regular updates will be provided to ensure transparency and minimize panic.  
                              • Recovery and Continuity: 
                              • After the Immediate crisis is resolved, the focus will shift to recovery and ensuring that critical functions of the college resume. 
                              • The CMT will evaluate damage, allocate resources for restoration, and assess the impact on students, staff, and operations.  
                              • Counseling and support services will be made available to those affected by the crisis.  


                              6. Training and Drills 

                              • Regular Crisis Management Training will be provided to all staff, faculty, and students.  
                              • The Crisis Management Team will conduct periodic tabletop exercises, scenario-based drills, and emergency simulations to ensure that everyone is prepared for various critical incidents and crises.  
                              • Annual evaluations of the training effectiveness will be conducted, with adjustments to the plan made as needed.  


                              7. Post- Incident Evaluation 

                              • A debriefing meeting will be held following the resolution of any crisis. The CMT will review the incident, assess the effectiveness of the response, and make recommendations for improvements to procedures or policies. 
                              • A report will be generated documenting the incident, response, and recovery phases, and shared with relevant stakeholders.  


                              8. Roles and Responsibilities of College Community 

                              • Students: 
                              • Follow the instructions of faculty, staff, and emergency personnel during incidents.  
                              • Report suspicious activities or safety concerns immediately to campus security.  
                              • Participate in training or drills as required.  
                              • Faculty and Staff: 
                              • Be familiar with emergency procedures and act swiftly during a crisis.  
                              • Ensure student safety and report any relevant information to the CMT.  
                              • Provide leadership and guidance in evacuations, shelter-in-place orders, or other emergency actions.  
                              • Administration: 
                              • Support the Crisis Management Team’s efforts and ensure proper resources are available.  
                              • Ensure that crisis management protocols are included in all emergency preparedness planning.

                              OICC Halifax Campus Policies

                              Refund Policy

                              Refund Policy 

                              Purpose of Policy 

                              • This Policy outlines the requirement for tuition refund, and to provide any conditions necessary for tuition refunds to be considered and approved.   
                              • Oxford International Career Colleges shall refund tuition and other fees paid under an enrollment contract according to the refund circumstances and regulations local to the college campus, as detailed below.   
                              • Each campus refund policies and procedures are set by their relevant provincial governing body.   


                              • To receive a refund of any portion of tuition fees, a student must give OIC written notice that they intend to withdraw from the program in which they have enrolled. Please review the notice requirements for each of campus locations.   


                              • To withdraw from the program and receive a refund of the tuition (as outlined in the table below), the student must submit the “Withdraw from Program” form. Upon receipt of the withdraw form, admissions will review the document, calculate the tuition refund and inform the student in writing, as well as the program lead and instructor of the students withdraw. 

                                    Pursuant to section 34 of the Private Career Colleges Operational Regulations 

                              i. To be eligible for tuition refund, the student must provide, in writing, the reason why they are withdrawing from the program.  

                              ii. Tuition payable refunds will be paid no later than 30 days after the end of enrollment.   i

                              iii. The application fee is non-refundable. Below are the amounts and timelines related to refunds in accordance with the Private Career Colleges Act of Nova Scotia.  

                              iv. A disagreement between the college and student with respect to the calculation of a tuition refund must be referred to the Director of the Private Career colleges Division for a final decision.  

                              Percentage of Hours of Program delivered to End of Enrollment  Refund (Minus any registration fee credited to tuition under subsection 51(2)) 
                              Program 12 weeks or longer 
                              0-25%   Any tuition paid for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarters of the program  
                              >25%-50%   Any tuition paid for the 3rd or 4th quarters of the program  
                              >50%-75%   Any tuition paid for the 4th quarter of the program  
                              >75%   None  
                              Students who withdraw before the course begins    100% of tuition fees  

                              International Students Only:  

                              Visa Refusal (Letter of Acceptance must be returned) 

                              100% of tuition fees  
                              Please note all fees are subject to change without notice 
                              Special Circumstances Refundable & Non-Refundable Fees
                              The following (re-)outlines special circumstances in which certain fees are either refundable or non-refundable:
                              Application Fees
                              In the case a student is rejected by IRCC, $650 from the total application fee is refundable, where $350 of the total application fee is non-refundable
                              In the case a student is rejected by the school, $650 from the application fee is refundable, where $350 of the total application fess is non-refundable
                              Change of Campus Fees
                              Should a student fail an interview at one Oxford International Career College campus and decide to switch to another Oxford International Career College Campus, the student will be required to pay a non-refundable $650 fee/ a $650 non-refundable charge will apply to any deposit or tuition that has already been paid.

                              Student Complaint Policy

                              Student Complaint Policy (also known as Dispute Resolution Policy) 

                              All student complaints must be made in writing and will remain confidential. Please follow procedural steps outlined below. There are three (3) levels of how a complaint can and must be filed.   

                              1. Level 1: Informal Student Complaints.   

                              At this level, we encourage students to resolve the conflict “informally”. This means, students will speak to their instructor or the program director to resolve the complaint. The following steps are to be followed in an informal complaint process: 

                              • The student must contact (in writing) the course instructor and the Program Director to set up a meeting to talk about the complaint in. Program Directors can be found in the Student Handbook 
                              • The meeting between the student and the instructor / program lead should take place within 3 business days of the student contacting these individuals. 
                                • The instructor, the complainant (the student) , and the program lead   should attend the meeting. 

                                      Note: if a complaint is being made against the instructor, then the student can immediately contact the program lead. If the instructor and the program lead are the same person, the student can request support from another program lead. The student can get a list of program lead names or ask for assistance from OIC staff. 

                                      • During the meeting, the program lead is responsible for recording the content of the meeting, as well as any (if any) resolution agreed on.  The complaint will be discussed and the steps that will be taken to resolve the complaint.  After the meeting, the instructor will send an email to the student outlining what was discussed. The student will receive this email within 1 business day after the meeting.   

                                            If a resolution cannot be found in this first level, the student can move to the second complaint level and file a formal complaint.  

                                             2. Level 2: Formal Student Complaints.   

                                            Formal student complaints must be made in writing to the School Director. The students are expected to use the Student Complaint Form. The following submissions will be accepted: 

                                            • personal delivery; 
                                            • mail with postage prepaid; 
                                            • registered mail; 
                                            • courier; 
                                            • fax; 
                                            • electronic attachment.   

                                            Complaints made by students can be filed, in accordance with PCCOR 54(1), up to one year after the end of enrollment. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.   

                                              What is the process of a formal complaint?   

                                            • The student submits their complaint in writing to the School Director. 

                                            Responsible Individual: 
                                            Katie Christie 
                                            School Director (Halifax 

                                            • After receiving the complaint documents, the School Director will contact the complainant within 2 business days, confirming the complaint submission. 
                                            • The School Director will review the complaint and any/all supporting documents. The School Director will, if necessary, meet with the complainant to see resolution and/or additional information about the complaint from the student or other students who may have been involved. The investigation of the complaint will take place within 5-7 business days of the complaint submission.    
                                            • The School Director will finalize a decision towards the complaint, followed by a formal written response (including reasons for the decision) to the student.   
                                            • Once the investigation is complete, the School Director will, in writing, outline: 
                                            • A decision about the formal complaint 
                                            • Advise that if the student is not satisfied with the results from the investigation, they can appeal and submit this in writing to the Director of Curriculum Quality and Compliance 

                                            Responsible Individual: 
                                            Jessica Downie 
                                            Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada 

                                            Note: A decision regarding the formal complaint will be made no later than 30 calendar days after the formal complaint being made. 

                                             3. Level 3: Appealing the Formal Complaint Decision 

                                            If a student is not satisfied with the results of the formal complaint from the School Director, the student has the right to appeal.   

                                            For an appeal, the procedure is as follows:

                                            • Submit all documents originally submitted and received from the both the first level of complaint (Informal Complaint) and the second level of complaint (Formal Complaint) in writing (via email) to the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance.   

                                            Responsible Individual: 
                                            Jessica Downie 
                                            Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada 

                                            • The Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance will review the case and will inform the student of the final decision within 5-7 business days from the date the appeal was received.   
                                            • Upon completion of the review, in writing, the student will: 
                                            • Be informed of the results of the appeal 
                                            • Be advised that a student enrolled in an approved program that, if they are dissatisfied with the decision of the appeal and/or has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of the program they may file a complaint with the Director of Private Career Colleges. 

                                            Responsible Individual: 
                                            Jeffrey Reed 
                                            Director of Private Career Colleges 
                                            Maritime Center Building 
                                            1505 Barrington Street, Suite 1100 
                                            Halifax, NS B3J 3K5 

                                            Note: Formal complaints against the college must be made in writing. Please review Private Career Colleges Operational Regulations (PCCOR).(including PCCOR student complaint form) 

                                            Attendance Policy

                                            Attendance Policy – Please review the Student Handbook, available on Moodle, for program specific attendance requirements.  


                                            OICC Vancouver Campus Policies

                                            Refund Policy

                                            Refund Policy 

                                            1. To be eligible for a refund, the college must receive:  

                                            a. Written notice of withdrawal from a student  

                                            b. Receiving a copy of refusal of a study permit  

                                            c. Providing a student with a notice of dismissal  

                                            d. Receiving an order from the registrar to issue a refund because a student was admitted in an approved program without meeting the admission requirements  

                                            e. The program end date included in the enrolment contract, if an institution did not provide a work experience to a student withing 30 days of the end date  

                                            f. The date on which the first 30% of the program would have been completed, if a student did not attend the first 30% of the program.  

                                            2. Tuition Payable Refunds Deadline. Tuition payable refunds will be paid within 30 days of receiving written notice of the above-mentioned (3.3.1) documents.   

                                            3. Refunds apply to the amount of tuition paid or payable, as applicable, under a student enrolment contract. For example, Student A paid an institution the full $5,000 owed under contract for a two-year program where the total tuition cost for the program was $10,000. If the student were entitled to a refund of 50% of tuition paid or payable, the refund due to the student would be $2,500.  

                                            Approved Programs – In-class, Combined Delivery, or Synchronous Distance Delivery   Refund Due  
                                            Before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal  
                                            • No later than 7 calendar days after student signed the enrollment contract, and  
                                            • Before the program start date  

                                            100% tuition and all related fees, other than the application fee.   


                                            Related fees include administrative fees, application fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course material, and unused aircraft utilization fees.  

                                            • No later than seven (7) days after the program start date, the institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal.   

                                            The institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000 paid or payable under a contract.   


                                            After program start date, the institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to all students, other than solely-asynchronous distance-education-only programs):  
                                            • After the program start date, and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided.  

                                            The institution may retain up to 10% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.  


                                            • After the program start date, and after more than 10% but before 30% of instruction hours, have been provided.   

                                            The institution may retain up to 30% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.  


                                            • After the program start date, and after more than 30% but before 50% of instruction hours, have been provided.   

                                            The institution may retain up to 50% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.  


                                            • After the program start date, and after more than 50% of instruction hours have been provided.  
                                            No refund due  
                                            Student does not attend program (“no-show”), applies to all students except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by asynchronous distance education  
                                            • Student does not attend the first 30% of the program  
                                            The institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition under a contract.  


                                            Approved Programs – In-class, Combined Delivery, or Synchronous Distance Delivery   Refund Due  
                                            Institution receives a refusal or study permit (applies to international students requiring a study permit:  
                                            • Before 30% of instruction hours would have been provided, had the student started the program on the later of the following:  
                                            • The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance  
                                            • The program start date in the enrollment contract.  
                                            • Student has not requested additional Letter(s) of Acceptance.  
                                            100% tuition and all related fees, excluding the application fee.  


                                            Approved Programs – Solely Asynchronous Distance Delivery   Refund Due  
                                            Before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal:  
                                            • No later than seven (7) days after student signed the enrolment contract, and  
                                            • Before the program start date.  

                                            100% tuition and all related fees, other than the application fee.   


                                            Related fees include administrative fees, application fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course material, and unused aircraft utilization fees.  

                                            After program start date, institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to only approved solely-asynchronous distance-education-only programs):  
                                            • No later than seven (7) days after the program start date  
                                            The institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000 paid or payable under a contract.   
                                            • Student has completed no more than 10% of the program  
                                            The institution may retain up to 10% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.  
                                            • Student has completed more than 30% but less than 50% of the program  

                                            The institution may retain up to 30% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.  


                                            • Student has completed 50% or more of the program  
                                            No refund due  
                                            Completed mean the student has received an evaluation of their performance for the specified percentage of hours of instruction. If a student completed a portion of a program for which they did not receive an evaluation, that portion should not be included in the calculation of the percentage of the program completed.   

                                            4. Ancillary Fees  

                                            a. The Enrollment Fee is non-refundable  

                                            b. The Accommodation Placement Fee is non-refundable  

                                            • Students may cancel accommodation by providing two weeks’ notification in writing. In such cases, all unused accommodation fees will be refunded. If a student cancels their accommodation with less than two weeks’ notice, all unused accommodation fees will be refunded except for the two-week notification period. Some residences will require 4-weeks or more notice to cancel. Students will be notified be notified before booking with one of these residences if the if the residence requires a longer notification period.   

                                            c. The Airport Reception Fee will be refunded if the student cancels this service, in writing, at least 7 days prior to the scheduled arrival date.  

                                              d. A student will be dismissed from their course and/or accommodations if they violate Canadian law and/or the OIEG Oxford International Education Group – Vancouver – Rules & Regulations. In the case of dismissal, standard tuition policies will apply. Any refund will be in accordance with this refund policy.  

                                              e. In the event that all fees are not received as a result of items such as bank wire charges, etc., outstanding fees will be reduced from tuition fees.  

                                              f. Refunds will be issued within 30 calendar days of receiving written notice and only upon presentation of the original corresponding receipt. If a representative or agent has registered the student, the refund will be sent to the representative or agent.   

                                              g. Refunds are normally issued by cheque. Refunds issued by other methods are subject to a service charge. If fees are received through an agency, a parent, or a representative, any fees will be refunded to the source of the fee.  

                                              Special Circumstances Refundable & Non-Refundable Fees
                                              The following (re-)outlines special circumstances in which certain fees are either refundable or non-refundable:
                                              Application Fees
                                              In the case a student is rejected by IRCC, $650 from the total application fee is refundable, where $350 of the total application fee is non-refundable
                                              In the case a student is rejected by the school, $650 from the application fee is refundable, where $350 of the total application fess is non-refundable
                                              Change of Campus Fees
                                              Should a student fail an interview at one Oxford International Career College campus and decide to switch to another Oxford International Career College Campus, the student will be required to pay a non-refundable $650 fee/ a $650 non-refundable charge will apply to any deposit or tuition that has already been paid.


                                              Student Complaint Policy

                                              Student Complaint Policy (also known as Dispute Resolution Policy) 

                                              All student complaints must be made in writing and will remain confidential. Please follow procedural steps outlined below. There are three (3) levels of how a complaint can and must be filed.   

                                              1. Level 1: Informal Student Complaints.   

                                              At this level, we encourage students to resolve the conflict “informally”. This means, students will speak to their instructor or the program director to resolve the complaint. The following steps are to be followed in an informal complaint process: 

                                              • The student must contact (in writing) the course instructor to set up a meeting to talk about the complaint in.  
                                                • The meeting between the student and the instructor lead should take place within 3 business days of the student contacting these individuals.  
                                                  • The instructor , the complainant (the student) , and the program lead should be in the meeting:

                                                  Note: if a complaint is being made against the instructor, then the student can immediately contact the program lead. If the instructor and the program lead are the same person, the student can request support from another program lead. The student can get a list of program lead names or ask for assistance from OIC staff. 

                                                  • The program lead is responsible for recording the content of the meeting, as well as any (if any) resolution agreed on.   
                                                  • The complaint will be discussed and the steps that will be taken to resolve the complaint.   
                                                  • After the meeting, the instructor will send an email to the student outlining what was discussed. The student will receive this email within 1 business day after the meeting.   

                                                  If a resolution cannot be found in this first level, the student can move to the second complaint level and file a formal complaint.  

                                                  2. Level 2: Formal Student Complaints.   

                                                  Formal student complaints must be made in writing to the School Director. The students are expected to use the Student Complaint Form. The following submissions will be accepted: 

                                                  • personal delivery; 
                                                  • mail with postage prepaid; 
                                                  • registered mail; 
                                                  • courier; 
                                                  • fax; 
                                                  • electronic attachment.   

                                                  What is the process of a formal complaint? 

                                                    • The student submits their complaint in writing to the respective Program Director. Please see the Student Handbook for the appropriate Program Director to contact.  
                                                    • After receiving the complaint documents, the Program Director will contact the complainant within 2 business days, confirming the complaint submission. 
                                                    • The Program Director will review the complaint and any/all supporting documents. The Program Director will, if necessary, meet with the complainant to see resolution and/or additional information about the complaint from the student or other students who may have been involved. The investigation of the complaint will take place within 5-7 business days of the complaint submission.    
                                                    • The Program Director will finalize a decision towards the complaint, followed by a formal written response (including reasons for the decision) to the student.   

                                                    Once the investigation is complete, the Program Director will, in writing, outline: 

                                                    • A decision about the formal complaint 
                                                    • Advise that if the student is not satisfied with the results from the investigation, they can appeal and submit this in writing to the Director of Curriculum Quality and Compliance 

                                                    Responsible Individual:
                                                    Jessica Downie
                                                    Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada

                                                    Note: A decision regarding the formal complaint will be made no later than 30 calendar days after the formal complaint being made. 


                                                    3. Level 3: Appealing the Formal Complaint Decision 

                                                    If a student is not satisfied with the results of the formal complaint from the School Director, the student has the right to appeal.   

                                                    What is the process of an appeal? 

                                                    • Students must submit all documents originally submitted and received from the both the first level of complaint (Informal Complaint) and the second level of complaint (Formal Complaint) in writing (via email) to the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance.   

                                                    Responsible Individual:
                                                    Jessica Downie
                                                    Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada

                                                    The Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance will review the case and will inform the student of the final decision within 5-7 business days from the date the appeal was received.   

                                                    • Upon completion of the review, in writing, the student will:  
                                                    • Be informed of the results of the appeal  
                                                    • Be advised that a student enrolled in an approved program that, if they are dissatisfied with the decision of the appeal and/or has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of the program they may file a complaint with the Private Training Institution Branch (PTIB). 

                                                    To do so, please visit: General Complaints and Tuition Refund Claims | Private Training Institutions Branch ( 


                                                    Dispute Resolution Policy

                                                    1. Purpose of Policy

                                                    1.1 This policy governs complaints from students respecting Oxford International College Vancouver and any aspect of its operations.   

                                                    1.2  A student who makes or is otherwise involved in a complaint will not be subject to any form of retaliation by the institution at any time. 

                                                    1. To whom this policy applies

                                                    2.1 This policy applies to all students (domestic or international, part-time or full-time) within the OIC.    

                                                    1. Policy

                                                    There are three (3) levels of how a complaint can and must be filed.  

                                                    3.1    Level 1: Informal Student Complaints 

                                                    At this level, we encourage students to resolve the conflict “informally”. This means, students will speak to their instructor or the program lead to resolve the complaint. The following steps are to be followed in an informal complaint process: 

                                                    • The student must contact the course instructor to set up a meeting to talk about the complaint. Refer to the student handbook on how to book a time with your instructor/program lead, alternatively, request support from the OIC staff.  
                                                    • When should the meeting take place? 
                                                    • The meeting between the student and the instructor / program lead should take place within 3 business days of the student contacting these individuals. 
                                                    • Who should be in the meeting? 
                                                    • The instructor 
                                                    • The complainant (the student) 
                                                    • The program lead  

                                                    Note: if a complaint is being made against the instructor, then the student can immediately contact the program lead. If the instructor and the program lead are the same person, the student can request support from another program lead. The student can get a list of program lead names or ask for assistance from OIC staff. 

                                                    • What should happen in this meeting? 
                                                    • The program lead is responsible for recording the content of the meeting, as well as any (if any) resolution agreed on.  
                                                    • The complaint will be discussed and the steps that will be taken to resolve the complaint.  
                                                    • After the meeting, the instructor will send an email to the student outlining what was discussed. The student will receive this email within 1 business day after the meeting.  

                                                    If a resolution cannot be found in this first level, the student can move to the second complaint level and file a formal complaint. 

                                                    3.2     Level 2: Formal Student Complaints 

                                                    Formal student complaints must be made in writing to the School Director. The students are expected to use the Student Complaint Form. The following submissions will be accepted: 

                                                    • personal delivery; 
                                                    • mail with postage prepaid; 
                                                    • registered mail; 
                                                    • courier; 
                                                    • fax; 
                                                    • electronic attachment.  
                                                    • Complaints made by students can be filed, in accordance with PCCOR 54(1), up to one year after the end of enrollment. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.  
                                                    • What is the process of a formal complaint? 
                                                    • The student submits their complaint in writing to the School Director or appointed responsible individual. 

                                                    Responsible Individual: 
                                                    Hos Movahedi 

                                                    • After receiving the complaint documents, the School Director or appointed responsible individual will contact the complainant within 2 business days, confirming the complaint submission. 
                                                    • The School Director or appointed responsible individual will review the complaint and any/all supporting documents. The School Director or appointed responsible individual will, if necessary, meet with the complainant to see resolution and/or additional information about the complaint from the student or other students who may have been involved. The investigation of the complaint will take place within 5-7 business days of the complaint submission.   
                                                    • The School Director or appointed responsible individual will finalize a decision towards the complaint, followed by a formal written response (including reasons for the decision) to the student.  
                                                    • Once the investigation is complete, the School Director will, in writing, outline: 
                                                    • A decision about the formal complaint 
                                                    • Advise that if the student is not satisfied with the results from the investigation, they can appeal and submit this in writing to the Director of Curriculum Quality and Compliance 

                                                    Responsible Individual: 

                                                    Jessica Downie 

                                                    Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada 


                                                    Note: A decision regarding the formal complaint will be made no later than 30 calendar days after the formal complaint being made.  

                                                    3.3    Level 3: Appealing the Formal Complaint Decision 

                                                    If a student is not satisfied with the results of the formal complaint from the School Director, the student has the right to appeal.  

                                                    • What is the process of an appeal?
                                                    • Students must submit all documents originally submitted and received from the both the first level of complaint (Informal Complaint) and the second level of complaint (Formal Complaint) in writing (via email) to the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance.  


                                                    Responsible Individual: 

                                                    Jessica Downie 

                                                    Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada 



                                                    • The Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance will review the case and will inform the student of the final decision within 5-7 business days from the date the appeal was received.  
                                                    • Upon completion of the review, in writing, the student will: 
                                                    • Be informed of the results of the appeal 
                                                    • Be advised that a student enrolled in an approved program that, if they are dissatisfied with the decision of the appeal and/or has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of the program they may file a complaint with the Private Training Institution Branch. 


                                                    To make a complaint please visit: General Complaints and Tuition Refund Claims | Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit 

                                                    OICC Toronto Campus Policies

                                                    Refund Policy

                                                    Refund Policy 

                                                    The Refund Policy of the Private Career College Act, 2005 applies. 

                                                    i. To be eligible for tuition refund, the student must provide, in writing, the reason they are withdrawing from the program 

                                                    ii. Tuition payable refunds will be paid no later than 30 days of:  

                                                    • A student delivering written notice to withdraw from the program  
                                                    • A student is given written notice of expulsion by the college  
                                                    • A student delivers a written request for a refund to the college under subsection 28(2). Reg. 353/23, s. 13 of the Private Career College Act, 2005.  

                                                    iii. Currency. Any refund of fees that a career college is required to pay under the Act shall be paid in Canadian dollars. O. Reg. 415/06, s. 33; O. Reg. 353/23, s. 22.  


                                                      Refund Amount   Reason  

                                                      Full Refund  

                                                      (100% Tuition Refund)  

                                                      If a student has entered into a contract with the college for a vocational program, college shall give a refund of all fees paid for the program in the following circumstances:   

                                                      • The college collects any fees for the program before the college is registered or before the program is approved under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005  
                                                      • You are expelled from the college in a manner or for reasons not permitted under the college’s expulsion policy or sexual violence policy  
                                                      • The college collects more than 20% of the total fees for the program to a maximum of $500 before signing a contract with you  
                                                      • A total more than 10% of the program is taught by unqualified instructors  
                                                      • The contract does not include all mandatory terms required (please see section 3.2.4 Contract Terms)  
                                                      • The college, while still operating, discontinues the program before you can complete the program  

                                                      The college or its representative makes untrue statements for the purpose of convincing an individual to enroll in the program and the statements constitute a fundamental breach of the contract. The categories of inappropriate statements include:  

                                                      • False or misleading statement  
                                                      • A statement that guarantees admission to or successful completion of the program or employment after completing the program  
                                                      • A statement that guarantees the right to enter Canada or receive a visa or work permit.  

                                                      Full Refund minus   

                                                      Service Fee  


                                                      The college shall give a refund of all fees paid for a vocational program, except the service fee, in the following circumstances:   

                                                      • The student gives written notice to the college, before the program start date specified in the contract with the college, that the student is withdrawing from the program.  
                                                      • The student is admitted to the program on the condition that the student meet specified admission requirements before the program start date specified in the contract with the college, and the student does not meet the requirements before that day.  
                                                      • The student does not attend the program within the first 14 days of the program after the program start date specified in the contract with the college and is given written notice that the contract is cancelled from the college within the first 45 days of the program.   

                                                      Note: The service fee can be 20% of all vocational program fees over $500  

                                                      Partial Refund  

                                                      The college shall give the student a refund of the fees paid for a vocational program if:  

                                                      • The student withdraws from the program after the program start date specified in the student’s contract with the college; or  
                                                      • The student is expelled from the program permitted under the college’s expulsion policy. O. Reg. 353/23, s. 13.  


                                                      If a student’s program is scheduled to be up to 12 months in duration, the college shall give a refund for the program as follows:  

                                                      •  If the withdrawal or expulsion occurs before the program mid-point, the college shall give a refund equal to the amount of all fees paid, less the service fee and any earned fees.   
                                                      • If the withdrawal or expulsion occurs after the program mid-point, no refund is required for the program. O. Reg. 353/23, s. 13.   


                                                      If a student’s program is scheduled to be more than 12 months in duration, the college shall give a refund for the initial 12-month period of the program and any subsequent period as follows:  

                                                      • If the withdrawal or expulsion occurs before half of the scheduled hours of instruction have taken place for the period, the college shall give a refund equal to the amount of all fees paid for the period, less the service fee and any earned fees.  
                                                      • If the withdrawal or expulsion occurs after half of the scheduled hours of instruction have taken place for the period, no refund is required for that period.   
                                                      • If a period has not yet started at the time of the withdrawal or expulsion, the college shall give a refund of all fees paid for that period. O. Reg. 353/23, s. 13.  


                                                      iv. Cooling Off Period. The cooling off period is within 2 days of signing the contract. During this time, the contract can be cancelled if written notice is provided to the college. It is important for students to keep a copy of the written notice submitted to the college. The cooling off period entitles the student to a full refund of fees paid for the program, including any application fee.   

                                                      v. Treatment of books and equipment. In calculating a refund under sections 25 to 28, a career college may retain the retail cost of books or equipment that a career college supplied to the student if the student: 

                                                      a. fails to return the books or equipment to the career college within 10 days of the student’s withdrawal or expulsion from the program; or 

                                                      b. returns the books or equipment to the career college within the 10-day period referred to in clause (A) but fails to return it unopened or in the same state it was in when supplied. O.REg. 415/06, s. 31; ). Reg. 353?23, s. 14, 22 


                                                      Special Circumstances Refundable & Non-Refundable Fees
                                                      The following (re-)outlines special circumstances in which certain fees are either refundable or non-refundable:
                                                      Application Fees
                                                      In the case a student is rejected by IRCC, $650 from the total application fee is refundable, where $350 of the total application fee is non-refundable
                                                      In the case a student is rejected by the school, $650 from the application fee is refundable, where $350 of the total application fess is non-refundable
                                                      Change of Campus Fees
                                                      Should a student fail an interview at one Oxford International Career College campus and decide to switch to another Oxford International Career College Campus, the student will be required to pay a non-refundable $650 fee/ a $650 non-refundable charge will apply to any deposit or tuition that has already been paid.


                                                      Student Complaint Policy

                                                      Student Complaint Policy (also known as Dispute Resolution Policy) 

                                                      All student complaints must be made in writing and will remain confidential. Please follow procedural steps outlined below. There are three (3) levels of how a complaint can and must be filed.   

                                                      1. Level 1: Informal Student Complaints.   

                                                      At this level, we encourage students to resolve the conflict “informally”. This means, students will speak to their instructor or the program director to resolve the complaint. The following steps are to be followed in an informal complaint process: 

                                                      • The student must contact (in writing) the course instructor to set up a meeting to talk about the complaint in.  

                                                      When should the meeting take place?  

                                                        • The meeting between the student and the instructor lead should take place within 3 business days of the student contacting these individuals.  

                                                        Who should be in the meeting?  

                                                        • The instructor 
                                                        • The complainant (the student)  
                                                        • The program lead

                                                        Note: if a complaint is being made against the instructor, then the student can immediately contact the program lead. If the instructor and the program lead are the same person, the student can request support from another program lead. The student can get a list of program lead names or ask for assistance from OIC staff. 

                                                         What should happen in this meeting? 

                                                        • The program lead is responsible for recording the content of the meeting, as well as any (if any) resolution agreed on.   
                                                        • The complaint will be discussed and the steps that will be taken to resolve the complaint.   
                                                        • After the meeting, the instructor will send an email to the student outlining what was discussed. The student will receive this email within 1 business day after the meeting.   

                                                        If a resolution cannot be found in this first level, the student can move to the second complaint level and file a formal complaint.  


                                                        2. Level 2: Formal Student Complaints.   

                                                        Formal student complaints must be made in writing to the School Director. The students are expected to use the Student Complaint Form. The following submissions will be accepted: 

                                                        • personal delivery; 
                                                        • mail with postage prepaid; 
                                                        • registered mail; 
                                                        • courier; 
                                                        • fax; 
                                                        • electronic attachment.   

                                                        What is the process of a formal complaint? 

                                                        • The student submits their complaint in writing to the School Director. 

                                                        Responsible Individual: 
                                                        Kelly Rooney  
                                                        School Director (Toronto) 

                                                        • After receiving the complaint documents, the School Director will contact the complainant within 2 business days, confirming the complaint submission. 
                                                        • The Program Director will review the complaint and any/all supporting documents. The Program Director will, if necessary, meet with the complainant to see resolution and/or additional information about the complaint from the student or other students who may have been involved. The investigation of the complaint will take place within 5-7 business days of the complaint submission.    
                                                        • The Program Director will finalize a decision towards the complaint, followed by a formal written response (including reasons for the decision) to the student.   

                                                        Once the investigation is complete, the Program Director will, in writing, outline: 

                                                        • A decision about the formal complaint 
                                                          • Advise that if the student is not satisfied with the results from the investigation, they can appeal and submit this in writing to the Director of Curriculum Quality and Compliance 

                                                          Responsible Individual: 
                                                          Jessica Downie 
                                                          Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada 

                                                          Note: A decision regarding the formal complaint will be made no later than 30 calendar days after the formal complaint being made. 


                                                          3. Level 3: Appealing the Formal Complaint Decision 

                                                          If a student is not satisfied with the results of the formal complaint from the School Director, the student has the right to appeal.   

                                                          What is the process of an appeal? 

                                                          • Students must submit all documents originally submitted and received from the both the first level of complaint (Informal Complaint) and the second level of complaint (Formal Complaint) in writing (via email) to the Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance.   

                                                          Responsible Individual: 
                                                          Jessica Downie 
                                                          Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance, Canada 

                                                          • The Director of Curriculum, Quality and Compliance will review the case and will inform the student of the final decision within 5-7 business days from the date the appeal was received.   

                                                          Upon completion of the review, in writing, the student will:  

                                                          • Be informed of the results of the appeal  
                                                          • Be advised that a student enrolled in an approved program that, if they are dissatisfied with the decision of the appeal and/or has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of the program they may file a complaint with the Career Colleges Ontario. 


                                                          Attendance Policy

                                                          Attendance Policy – Please review the Student Handbook, available on Moodle, for program specific attendance requirements.